College Studying Tips: How to Deal With a Disruptive Roommate

college studying tips

Have you ever had a noisy roommate experience? 

Maybe they’re not quite as bad as someone keeping rats they don’t know how to take care of or someone who eats all of your food, but the disruption can still be irritating. But before you pack your bags and study abroad, there are some things you should try out to work with your loud roomie. 

With this easy guide packed with college studying tips, you’ll be able to navigate around your noisy roommate and still get your work done. Keep reading for eight tactics you can try. 

1. Set Boundaries

The first thing you should be doing is setting boundaries with your roommate. 

If you’re anticipating that you and your roommate won’t see eye to eye on everything, something you should do is talk to them about house rules. You should do this early on, like when you first start living with them. 

Be sure to listen to their preferences and needs as well. That way you can find compromises that benefit both of you equally. 

2. Be Direct

Another tactic you can try is being direct with your roommate when they’re making too much noise. Being direct means asking them right when they begin causing the disruption.

Doing this right away is helpful because your roommate knows right away what kind of noise they shouldn’t be making. Some people are ok with music, but not with singing in the shower, and it helps for roommates to know those kinds of details. 

Remember to be direct, but not rude! Kindness is the best way to approach any situation even if it seems uncomfortable at first. 

3. Stay Calm

In the same vein, remember to always remain calm as best you can. 

Being calm and kind will encourage calm and kind discussion. It can be frustrating to deal with a roommate who makes a lot of noise but turning the ordeal into a screaming match will only make things worse (and not to mention louder). 

Take a few deep breaths before you get ready to talk to your roommate or write down what you want to say beforehand. That way, if or when you get nervous, you have something to reference to keep you on track and confident. 

4. Give it a Rest

Sometimes, what helps most is to just give it a rest. 

If your roommate doesn’t normally make a lot of noise, there’s a chance that they may be getting some of their aggression out because they need to. It does help to get the anger out by making noise from time to time. 

If this may be the case for you, maybe that means you should check in with your roommate and see if everything is alright. You may be the remedy for the noise because your roommate just needs to vent, cry, and know that their emotions matter. 

Don’t be afraid to listen!

5. Pick a Good Time

The next tip is to pick a good time to talk to your roommate about the noise. 

This strategy works best when you have a roommate who tends to make noise a lot. Find a time where you can have a private conversation with them about how their noisiness bothers you. 

This way you won’t embarrass your roommate in front of their friends if they’re over, and you aren’t a “bad guy” to them. Logically, it also makes sense to catch them at a time that they’re feeling good and ready for a conversation. 

You can also use the time until then to take up tip number 3!

6. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Another option is to use noise-canceling headphones if you have them. 

Sometimes the noise is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to mitigate your environment. Noise-canceling headphones can be the perfect solution if you need to block the noise out and your roommate can’t stop making it or you don’t have the time to talk to them. 

They can also come in handy in other situations, like if you need to fall asleep on an airplane or bus ride. So, these headphones can be your ticket to better studying if you find that you really need them. 

Maybe they can even be your next ask for your birthday or for Christmas!

7. Ask for Space

Something else you can try is also asking your roommate to let you have the space to study. 

In a polite way, of course, sometimes the best thing is for one of you to leave the room or the area you’re in. If your roommate is always playing loud video games, ask if they can play with a friend at their place, or listen to music outside in nature. 

It’s always worth a shot, and if anything it’ll ask your roommate to stop and think about what they’re doing and how it affects others. 

8. Remove Yourself

Finally, you can remove yourself from the situation if possible. Here’s something to add to your college studying tips: find some help while you’re out!

Go to the Writing Center for some tips on your essay, or see if you can get a study group together or meet with a tutor. Getting out of your head and your living room to study up with some friends or someone who can really help you will only enhance your learning experience. 

Plus, your roommate will be able to jam out or make a ruckus to their heart’s content without disturbing you. You can use tip number 5 on them later. 

Straight A’s With These College Studying Tips

So if you want to stay on top of things despite having a noisy roommate, these 8 college studying tips and general college life tips are at your service. 

If you try out one tactic and find it doesn’t work right away, test another one out until you find the perfect balance. 

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